Friday, August 28, 2009

Because The Tables Have Turned Around...

The Christian community that is screaming loudly to protect Rifqa is forgetting that there is another side to a coin. How would they have reacted if it was a Christian girl who converted to Islam and the Christian parents were said to have threatened her? Would they still rally around this particular neo-christian girl and would the media eagerly broadcast her story? Don't forget that in the Bible :Deuteronomy - Chapter 13, Jesus says that apostasy is punishable by death and not only the convert but the person  causing the conversion as well is to be put to death!

What would happen if such an incident is to take place? Surely the parents of the girl will say that they would never kill their own daughter even though it says so in the Bible. What about the media? They will definitely believe the parents and not the child because they cannot stand Islam. There is no difference in this story. Only difference is that the tables have turned and media is not willing to buy the story of the parents who are suffering!

Yes indeed the parents are suffering! How would you feel if your daughter whom you bought up for 17 years runs away from home and when discovered brings a ton of media into your garden and say that you threatened to kill her? What is it that is more important for you as a parent? Having your daughter with you or her religion? Obviously it's having your daughter with you, in your family that is more important. But here the media is not willing to belive the parents because they are muslims!