Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Rifqa's False Claims!

Rifqa's parents got to know of her change in faith 4 months ago. They knew she got baptized in mid July. If the claim that her father threatened to kill her with an "Honor Killing" was true then they would have done it by this time. They need not wait for 4 months for that! The talk of Honor Killing was not mentioned when she was living with them or else her friends surely would have known that, don't you think? 
If she was really threatened what would a 17 year old girl living in USA with common sense do? She would have called 911! But has Rifqa ever done that? No. So then where actually do you get the idea that her father threatened her with an Honor Killing? This talk came only after she ran away from home.
On the day that Rifqa disappeared her father was not at home. So how could he have threatened her? Only her mother was at home and Rifqa had an argument with her when her Christian Prayer book was found out. There was no evidence to say that her life was threatened. So why runaway at such a moment when her father wasn't even there?
When she ran away her mobile phone was switched off and her facebook account deactivated. Was such an act necessary? Doesn't this show that her facebook account will have evidence of the influence that the so called Global Revolution Church has on her? If the pastor Blake Lorenz was an honest person he should be standing next to Rifqa right now and giving this so called "Threatened Girl" his support and protection. But instead he has vanished and is "Holidaying" somewhere, and no one can reach him!
IF Rifqa's father was an extremist and fundamentalist like "the media" claim him to be, then he would have been a person with a "beard" and "mustache". Instead you find a clean shaven man who dresses in western clothes! Not only that he had allowed Rifqa to have her own laptop and access to various websites! Even more he allows her to go out and meet friends and how other wise did she attend church and christian prayer meetings? He had not insisted on Rifqa wearing the "Hijab" which any conventional muslim father would have inposed on his daughter. Rifqa proudly claims to be a cheerleader. Will a father of a violent nature with fundamentalist ideas allow his daughter to wear a cheerleading outfit and prance around in front of hundreds of people? Certainly not!
The media should try to first find out who and what her family is before labelling names on to them! The people or media who claim "this" or "that" don't even know the tone of his voice or the nature of his ideas!!!

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