Friday, August 28, 2009

The Concept of Honor Killing

Let's take a look at the past: The father of Sarah Said and Amina Said and the father of Aqsa Parves committed murder. That was not Islam. Honor Killing is a cultural thing.

The problem with media is that they want to believe what THEY think is right where as the truth is entirely different. If the truth be known then let's hear it in it's bitter way....

Death as a punishment is given for certain crimes in Islam. These are carried out only in Islamic Countries. Otherwise a muslim man or woman who is caught for theft should have their hand cut off in any country they are found in. But it's not so. The punishment is given only in Middle East. In other countries the Common Law of the country prevail the Sharia Law. Apostasy is the same. There is no "Honor" in Killing. It cannot be carried out by any wayfarer who comes waving a knife or a pointing a gun. It's to be carried out by the person meant for that special person. If anyone else does kill the wrong doer then it becomes murder.

The four mazhabs of Islam say that apostasy is punishable by death. It says so in the Quran too. But it is not implemented in all the countries as it is said word for word! The Commom Law or the Law of The Country comes to govern such issues. If you want to take word for word evidence then go check the Bible. Are you practicing that same punishment? If you are not then you are not a good Christian. IF you do then you are not a just human being.

Islam says that a person should choose it through their own free will and there is no force to follow Islam. If anyone wants to revert to another religion they are allowed to do so. The reason this particular verse came in the Holy Quran is to discourage anyone from taking Islam or any other religion of their choice into a joke. Heaven knows there are so many jokers living on planet earth!

If Honor Killing is happening in USA then the country should be ashamed of itself because it's not an Islamic Country and neither is it Asian. The concept of Honor Killing is not even heard of in Rifqa's native land of Sri Lanka! Surely isn't it a shame that Sri Lanka can be better that the so called FREE USA? If you doubt this go and check for yourself the statistics pertaining to Honor Killings in different regions. You will not find ONE single case mentioned or gossiped in Sri Lanka. Not only that: for your information there are so many inter marriages happening in Sri Lanka between muslims and non-muslims. So what do they do? The parents get angry first, then they shun the daughter or son from the family and after the birth of a grandchild the runaway child is brought back again to the family and the non-muslim daughter-in-law or son-in-law is welcomed as if nothing ever happened! This is how things are in Sri Lanka. Seems like USA has much to learn from a third world country. After all there is no terrorism in Sri Lanka and that statement cannot be said for USA!

SO Rifqa is actually more safer in Sri Lanka than in USA! Just because some fathers killed their daughters that does not mean that Rifqa's father is also in the same bucket as that lot. There is no evidence to say that he has abused or threatened his daughter. There is only the word of one 17 year old girl who ran away from home.

Next thing you know all the girls in the world over will start to run away from home and preach words of wisdom on Honor Killing! 

Media and Christians equally think they are very clever in quoting the Quran and the laws of The Sharia. But they are far from even getting near the truth of Islam! Islam is not something you can follow by taking word by word translations or quotes. There is more to it. Every case that is decided is taken on a fresh ground and judged to the best of that situation. The laws are not blindly applied to situations as in other occassions.